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Golf & Grounds Departments
Pete Dye's #10 Golf Hole @ TFP

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Restoration Update

The week of October 14th-19th was full of activity at TFP golf course as construction activity continues to grow.

This new 18 inch concrete pipe will play a critical role at the 15th golf hole. The pipe will serve as the main transportation vehicle of water during storm events. Previously, no storm water management systems were in place at the 15th golf hole. This will be a quality improvement.  
MacCurrach Golf installing a concrete storm water management basin at the 15th hole.

Roto-Tilling the 16th golf hole.

A new lake side bunker at #7 Fairway will help prevent future bulkhead collapses.

#7 Fairway being graded to achieve positive drainage. The previous topography at the 7th hole restricted water flow causing saturated conditions. The new grading plan compliments water flow and will allow water to move across the playing surfaces at 3%.  

#9 Green complex roughed in.

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