Golf & Grounds Departments

Golf & Grounds Departments
Pete Dye's #10 Golf Hole @ TFP

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Restoration Update

Saturday was a busy on TFP golf course...

#2 Green awaiting demolition. 

#9 Green being created.

9 Green

9 Fairway being constructed and awaiting storm drainage installation.

The staging area continues to be populated with construction materials.

The stock pile of sand from the greens demolition continues to accumulate on the practice tee. The sand will be used in tee development later in the project.

Concrete pipe at the staging area... the concrete pipe will be used for storm drainage on the back nine golf holes.

#11 green after the sand matrix was removed and salvaged for tee construction.

A look back at the clubhouse from 15 tee.

Half of the 11th golf hole has gone through the demolition process.

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