Golf & Grounds Departments

Golf & Grounds Departments
Pete Dye's #10 Golf Hole @ TFP

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pete Dye Visits; Restoration Update

Mr. Dye made his third site visit to TFP last week (the first since construction started) and it was a successful work session. He arrived at the Plantation around 3:00 pm on Friday afternoon and worked on the course until dark. Mr. Dye was accompanied by Tim Liddy (Project Architect), representatives from MacCurrach Golf Construction (including Allan MacCurrach, CEO) and Nelson. The first order of business was walking from golf hole 9 backwards to golf hole 5 to review the details of the proposed golf course. In particular, we discussed the infrastructure installation and demolition program currently taking place. The evening finished with a wonderful dinner at the Clubhouse where Mr. Dye and company continued the discussions from the field. Friday was a great team building day.

Saturday morning started with breakfast at the Main House where Mr. Dye took time to appreciate Mr. Ford’s old home and proclaimed, “I haven’t been in this house in 30 years… but it still looks the same”. He exited through the back door and said, “What a spectacular view”, then, he paused in admiration… After, it was quickly back to work. We arrived at the staging area and joined the rest of the restoration team. First, we walked holes 9 back to 7 and reviewed those golf holes again, taking detail architectural direction from Mr. Dye. Next, we transitioned from the front 9 to the back 9. Mr. Dye gave particular attention to golf holes 10 and 15. He shared his vision for the 10th and 15th putting greens, and before we knew it, the staff from MacCurrach golf had the greens “roughed-in” (a term in golf course construction used to describe preliminary construction activity) for his review.
Mr. Dye staking the 9th green at TFP

Finally, Mr. Dye ended his visit back at the staging area, but not before reviewing the 7th, 8th, and 9th golf holes again for the third time. The team adjourned and Mr. Dye smiled with approval. His next visit will be in several weeks after the restoration team has completed his directives.

Much progress has been made since the start of the restoration. A list of the work currently being performed includes:

·         Mainline irrigation installation on the club’s main road and major road crossings is being conducted
·         Cart path removal on the front 9
·         Roto-tilling and bermudagrass clearing continues
·         Irrigation pump house disassembly continues
·         Greens complex demolition
·         Bulkhead removal at golf hole 7
·         Cordgrass removal on the back nine
·         Golf hole design and development being implemented on holes 7, 9-11 and 15
·         Storm drainage installation at holes 7, 9, 10, 15, 16, 18 and the practice facility continues
·         Materials continue to populate the main staging area at the practice facility
·         Photographic documentation is being conducted

Mr. Dye and Tim Liddy calculating their next move

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