Golf & Grounds Departments

Golf & Grounds Departments
Pete Dye's #10 Golf Hole @ TFP

Friday, May 6, 2011

Drainage Project on 10 and 16 Completed

The drainage project on #10 and #16 is complete and performing well. The new drainage systems will aid in reducing plant and soil saturation by reducing excess water and prolonged leaf wetness in the areas it was installed.

First Step: Removing Sod

Second Step: Trenching Drainage Lines

Third Step: Drainage Trenches Ready for Sand

Forth Step: After Installing Drain Lines Sand is Added

Fifth Step: Prepping Drain Lines for Sod

Drainage Project Completed

Ford Plantation Utilizes Precision Turfgrass Management

The Golf Maintenance Staff at The Ford Plantation takes honor in protecting our environment and preserving our natural habitat. We have one of the most beautiful golf course settings in the country and taking care of its environment is one of our top priorities. Our environmental steward program showcases a precision fertilizer program (applying nutrients only where needed) which is a stark contrast to the “old methodology” of applying a 10-10-10 fertilizer to all areas of the golf course.

Out of 16,000+ golf courses in the United States, The Ford Plantation is one of approximately 50 clubs that employs precision fertilization practices. To achieve accurate and precise fertilization we employ Nu-Tec Corportation. Last week Nu-Tec applied a variety of nutrients that are beneficial to turfgrass health. Nu-Tec uses GPS mapping combined with soil sampling to determine plant needs (see pictures below).

Nutrient runoff from golf courses is sometimes perceived by the public to be a significant contributor to environmental contamination.

Global Positioning Systems are used to determine precisely what areas require nutrients.

Numerous soil samples, 125-250, are taken per each golf hole to make up 25 GPS data points per golf hole.

These samples are then compiled in a GPS mapping system generating color coded aerial maps displaying turfgrass nutrient needs.

We are able to apply nutrients only where needed and at variable
rates cutting costs and minimizing environmental impact.

The golf course maintenance department takes pride in being stewards of the environment and continuing to be environmental leaders in the turfgrass industry for years to come.