We will be deploying winter turf covers on the dates of February 11, 12, and 13.
Low Temps forcast:
Feb 11th = 24 DEGREES
Feb 12th = 25 DEGREES
Feb 13th = 39 DEGREES
The following is an excerpt from a recent USGA article written by Chris Hartwiger, SE Agronomist...
"There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Cold temperatures can damage bermudgrass. History has shown that unprotected bermudgrass putting greens often are the first part of all bermudagrass golf course to succumb in cold weather. Fortunately, a wide variety of turf covers that can dramatically decrease the chance for winter injury are available. Although there are many factors associated with winter injury, golf courses with ultradwarf bermudagrass putting greens in the transition zone need to have covers and must deploy them when conditions warrant".